As an artist I plant and nurture the seeds of change. Art has the power to ignite mass movements of compassionate action, communicating complex concepts through aesthetic beauty and symbol. Creativity is the backbone of social transformation, and to that end I tag creative works with breadcrumbs that lead to (r)evolutionary information. Check out Datachurch.com for archives of activated content.
In 2007 I graduated from the Evergreen State College, where I joyfully pursued an independent curriculum in digital painting.
In 2008 I attended the Conceptart.org Revelations Intensive in Seattle, which completely elevated every aspect of my life.
In 2009 I journeyed to the icy foothills of the Himalayas where I became a Yoga teacher, creating art inspired by my studies.
In 2010 I joined the development team of Dreamcatcher.net, the social network for sharing dreams and transcendent experiences.
Through the practices of martial artistry, asana, pranayama, meditation, and lucid dreaming, I find the empowered center where creativity surges. Hare Om Tat Sat.