Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana is an ancient Tantric spiritual practice that allows individuals to deeply experience their own direct, inner connection to the Divine. This practice focuses on awakening the powerful transformative force called kuṇḍalinī — the divine energy that is always present within every human being. When it flows through us, kuṇḍalinī can wash away our deepest tensions, expand the flow of creative energy, and eliminate our misunderstandings about our true nature, revealing our total unity with God.
In engaging with a śakti transmission guru, we are coming in contact with a direct transmission of that liberating force, which we can only feel because it already exists within us. There is a direct conveyance of spiritual energy from teacher to student that gives the student a concrete experience of the vital force that connects all things and binds us together as one. Śakti transmission is a catalyst for profound spiritual unfoldment, culminating in Self-realization.
Ongoing classes with Swami Khecaranatha are held most Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7:00 pm at Rudramandir, 830 Bancroft Way @ Sixth Street, in Berkeley.
First-time students must sign up for a 45-minute free introductory session prior to attending the Kundalini Meditation classes. Intros are offered on most Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 pm - by appointment only.
Call 510-529-4173 for further information or to schedule an Intro.