All of my creations are an attempt to illustrate the layers that make up consciousness as I perceive it to be. I like to start all my work off with a black background; to me it represents the space of unbound infinite potential. This space is talked about in many religious beliefs and creation myths from around the world and is what is commonly referred to as “the void” or “clear light”. When I create from this clear light it allows me to enter into a deep sacred space where I can attune to the subtle energy and vibrations of the world around us and most importantly that which is within us. Some of the dominant reoccurring themes that I enjoy creating are expressions of ancient and contemporary culture, geometry, divine proportion, spirituality, architecture, symbolism and nature. Creating in this fashion is a spiritual experience for me and often times produces the feelings of bliss, excitement, wonder and nostalgia; it is my hope as the artist that my art can help evoke the same feelings.