A Journey into Sound & Vibration on September 16, 2016 in Trout Lake, WA : A Journey into Sound & Vibration
Join us for a fully immersive and revolutionary experience of sound and vibration in order to increase your frequenc y and usher in higher dimensional awareness and well being.
This 3 day retreat will be infused with constant vibrations utilizing ancient healing instruments from around the world as you are guided with presentations and sound activations into the realm of cosmic consciousness.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that has never been done before. Everything at this gathering will be intentional from the cleansing and sound activation upon your arrival, 24 / 7 sound healing with 33 bowls, nightly 333 Tibetan bowl galactivations, gong bath experience and dynamic presentations on the nature of reality, sound and vibration and ancient esoteric wisdom all in relation to the ascension we are currently undergoing.
We will be playing sound tools around our food and over the water in order to infuse every aspect of our 3 days together with healing frequencies.
What to expect:
• 48 hours of non-stop, Intentional Sound Healing for Gaia and the Collective, with 33 bowls playing
• 4 Presentations by Neil Gaur & Dr. DREAM
• Gong bath
• Three - 333 Tibetan Bowl Galactivations
• Sound Healing integrated into every aspect of this Retreat; on our food, water, each other…
• Intentional experience in its entirety
• Networking, group activities
• Open mic time for participants to share anything they like
• Everlasting connections with soul family
• Night watch with James Gilliland
• Experiencing the beautiful ECETI ranch
Arrive Friday September 16, 2016 6:30p-9:00p
Opening Cleansing Ceremony
State intentions
333 Bowl Galactivation
time to play with bowls and connect
9:00- Night Skywatch
Saturday September 17, 2016
7:30-8:30 Morning Yoga (with bowls)
8:30-9:00 Intentional Sound Healing breakfast
9:30-10:00 Root Chakra Sound Healing
10:00-11:30 Dr.DREAM presentation
11:30-11:45 Break 1
1:45-12:15 Sacral Chakra Sound Healing
12:15-12:45 Energetic Experience
1:00-2:00 Intentional Sound Healing Lunch
2:00-2:30 Solar plexus ...read more