Awaken The Goddess Within on June 12, 2016 in West Covina, CA : In person dates: Sun Feb 28th, Sun Mar 27th, Fri Apr 15th, Sat May 7th,
Sun Jun 12th, Sun Jul 17th, Sun Aug 28th, Sun Sep 25th,
Sun Oct 23rd times: 5: 30pm -- 8:30pm each day
Online dates: February through October, monthly at your own pace.
Discover the true meaning of what it is to be a woman in full beauty and what you can bring to the world with this knowing, in your own unique expression!
Some of the themes we will explore and heal through ancient practices, transmissions and other processes:
• Sexual healing and health at a physical, mental and emotional level
• Natural goddess beauty and expression of your sensuality and eroticism
• Feeling comfortable in your own body
• Sacred ecstatic dance, ethnic dance and kundalini yoga
• Hieros gamos or sacred union ~ relationships from a divine perspective in the path of christed consciousness
• Creating the love relationship that nourishes your heart
• Ancient egypt and isis, gnostic christianity and mary magdalene and pistis sophia in the context of mystical union
• Harmony and balance between powerful shakti and devotional bhakti
• Sisterhood, motherhood and triple goddess, caretaker of all life
• Integrating your light and shadow aspects
• Sacred womb, menstruation and blood mysteries
• Sexuality as a healing practice to heal yourself, your partner and the relationship between you both
Each session includes accompanying text and transmissions that you will be able to receive from home between meetings in order to deepen your training. The transmissions includes logos (word) and healing sound to provide greater transformation.
IN PERSON 1 installment of $22 for the online materials from February plus 8 monthly installments of $75 (receive 25% OFF for each friend you bring). Or $575 if paid in full. ...read more