Barbara Marx Hubbard Retreat on September 10, 2016 in Taos, NM : 2016 Evolutionary Family Reunion
with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Patricia Ellsberg
An invitation to deepen into Evolutionary Family as a
global movement for the conscious evolution of our world.
Dear Ones,
Those of us who are coded within the Impulse of Evolution who yearn to give more, love more, create more, are members of an emerging humanity on planet Earth.
As the crisis deepens, new possibilities are arising – personally, socially, and scientifically/technologically. Each person who is alive to their essence, purpose and creativity is coded with a unique expression of leadership of the emerging world, precious beyond estimation. Each of our expressions of leadership is written in our deepest aspirations and life purpose.
It is our intention to nurture together our evolutionary impulses to further activate our personal and collective leadership during this Retreat. We will nurture an evolutionary seed community to serve as guides through the shift from devolution toward evolution in our lifetime.
Our vision is that this Family Reunion will form a growing communion among co-creators, who can continue to be together and work together as members of the Conscious Evolution Community now in formation. The first Evolutionary Family Reunion, which took place in Petaluma, at the last student retreat, has been meeting for the past year and has provided for us a model of what is possible.
To foster this purpose, The Foundation for Conscious Evolution is offering a Communion and Community of Pioneering Souls along with courses and shared projects. There is active participation with evolutionaries' world-wide.
We can, through this Reunion in the gorgeous setting of El Monte Sagrado in Taos, New Mexico take a vital step to inaugurate the next stage of our lives together.
Let us found The Evolutionary Family of HUMANITY to serve as guides through the ...read more