Breathe into Spring Emergence! on April 18, 2016 in Berkeley, CA : Spring Emergence: Sacred Breath & Embodiment
An Evening of Clarity Breathwork
Rudramandir, Berkeley
with Ashanna Solaris & Dana Dharma Devi
Monday, Ap ril 18, 2016 7 – 10 pm
Spring is such an incredible blessing after the darkness and inward time of Winter. Join us for a Spring Emergence Evening to come out of your cocoon, shake off winter's internal focus & dreams, and prepare to come into full blossom with your life, your creativity, your passion and joy this Spring!
We will be sharing the juice and power of our recent month in Costa Rica teaching our entire Clarity Breathwork Training, before we head off to Europe teach there! Come and join us for an empowering, enlightening evening of Dance, Movement, Kirtan, Channeled Meditation & Clarity Breathwork! Let's set the tone for an off the charts wonderful Spring.
It's an amazing time to be alive in a body and become conscious and to share our unique divine offering to a world that needs to receive it!
Clarity Breathwork helps to lift the veils so we can see who we really are and come home to ourselves.
Every breath we take is sacred, an opportunity to connect to our deepest essence. When we breathe fully and consciously we can heal our hearts, minds, bodies, and open to the Divine in everything. Come experience the healing power of breath to transform your life, unravel limited beliefs, emotional patterns, physical blocks, and imprints from birth, childhood, and past experiences from the cells of your body. Expand your consciousness and open the doors to a greater sense of connection and oneness with all that is. Use sacred chanting, movement, meditation, and breath to embody more fully who you are and LIVE IT.
Let us come together for this early Spring ...read more