Chakra Awareness Online Workshop on April 3, 2016 in , CA : Victoria Vives Presents
-- Chakra Awareness & Activation Online Workshop --
Experience a fully encompassing chakra alignment and informational gatheri ng that will expand your awareness of your own energy centers and how to utilize them to tap into your innate abilities and your own consciousness. Victoria Vives will guide you from the historical perspective of chakras and ancient wisdom in to tools and modalities that will allow you to awaken your chakras.
What you will learn:
● Learn about your energetic system and how you filter the world through it.
● Learn about the functions of each Chakra.
● The relationship between your Chakras, glandular and nervous systems, Kundalini energy and how to activate your Life Force with Kundalini Yoga and Breathwork.
● Learn how to cleanse and balance each of your chakras through Guided Meditation, Crystals, Sound and much more!
● Transmute past experiences from this life or another that are stored in your chakras impeding the full expression of your soul.
● Guided Meditation for cleansing each of your Chakras and Activation.
● Choose the things you want to bring forth in your life to manifest by adjusting each of your chakras.
● Release obstacles and old patterns to manifest a self-actualized reality.
Attendees also receive:
● Receive a fully illustrated workbook with all the important information necessary to continue keeping your Chakras shinny and vibrant.
● Enjoy the recordings if you cannot attend live or just to watch again and continue your practice and healing
Join us on April 3, 2016 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST
About Victoria:
Victoria is a Visionary, Shamanic practitioner, Energy Healer, Artist, Author, and Speaker. A Champion of truth and consciousness, Victoria's diverse and colorful history gives her a unique perspective and keen ability to connect with people ...read more