Diamond Approach Introduction on April 16, 2016 in Berkeley, CA : There is a new Diamond Approach group, California Diamond Heart 10 (CADH10) forming in the Bay Area. CADH10 is offering a series of introductory weeke nds which are open to all and no prior experience is needed to register. Each weekend will provide participants with a different experiential taste of the Diamond Approach teachings and method. Each weekend will feature two of the CADH10 teachers who will introduce the basic practices and some foundational elements of the Diamond Approach. These introductory weekends are designed to help those interested in learning more about the DH10 ongoing group set to begin in 2017. Each weekend can be taken individually or in any combination and will provide an excellent foundation for the DH10 ongoing group. If you know that you want to apply to DH10, you are encouraged to attend as many of these introductory weekends as possible.
During the April 16-17 weekend we will discover how curiosity is a necessary ingredient for the truth of our experience to reveal itself through the practice of inquiry. As we grow up, our natural curiosity often becomes stifled, used foremost in the service of our cognitive, rather than our inner, essential development. As a result, the adventurous spirit of discovery and excitement for life are often lost, or obscured through an overemphasis on achievement. Through becoming curious about how our histories shaped our lives, we can rediscover the openness and joy that exploring our truth in the present moment brings, lifting barriers to our perception of that which is authentic and real within us.
For more information or to register please visit the website at cadh10.org
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Truth, Curiosity and the Joy of DiscoveryWHEN:Saturday April 16th - Sunday ...read more