Embodied Life Story on September 22, 2016 in Berkeley, CA : Embodied Life Story Fall 10-Week Workshop
with Sheila Rubin, LMFT, RDT/BCT
Experience the playful, present moment while exploring the threads that wea ve your daily experiences with myth, family history, dreams and universal themes. Your deeper Life Story will emerge through this process and feed you at a soul level.
This is an invitation to take a 10-week journey that supports and unfolds your creative process through a unique blend of improvisation, embodied storytelling, writing, drama therapy and the seven levels of sacred witnessing.
We start with safe, gentle exercises. Shy people are encouraged. All levels welcome!
Performance on the last night.
Thursdays: September 22–December 8, 2016, 5:00-7:00pm
Performance: Thursday, December 8, 7:00pm
(No class on 10/27 or 11/24.)
Location: Sheila's studio (in the Rudramandir Center)
830 Bancroft Way, Suite 102, Berkeley, CA 94710
Cost: $550 / $50 off for students, teachers or seniors over 60
$100 off with full payment by August 31
(Note: There may be an additional cost for DVD of performance.)
24 CEUs available (PCE #4456)
To Register: Call Sheila Rubin at 415-820-3974
For checks, send payment to Sheila Rubin at:
830 Bancroft Way, Suite 102
Berkeley, CA 94710
To pay by PayPal/credit card, go to the Calendar page at www.SheilaRubin.com, click on the event, and use the Registration link.
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10-Week Workshop with Sheila Rubin, LMFT, RDT/BCTWHEN:Thursday September 22nd - Thursday December 8th WHERE:Rudramandir Center
830 Bancroft Way, Suite 102
Berkeley, CA 94710COST:$550 / $50 off for students & seniorsBuy Tickets NowEvent Website
Embodied Life Story Fall 10-Week Workshop
with Sheila Rubin, LMFT, RDT/BCT
Experience the playful, present moment while exploring the threads that weave your daily experiences with myth, family history, dreams and universal themes. Your deeper Life Story will emerge through this process and feed you at a soul level.
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