Fanna-Fi-Allah Sufi Qawalli on June 18, 2016 in Sebastopol, CA : Fanna Fi Allah Sufi Qawwali music
After a hugely successful tour of the USA, Canada & Pakistan in 2015, Fanna-fi-Allah will reunite again for their 16 th annual Qawwali tour for the summer of 2016. The one and only Fanna-fi-Allah Sufi Qawwali Group (Party in Sufi parlance) is coming to Sebastopol June 18th.Fanna-Fi-Allahs passionately devotional music is a leading representation of Sufi Qawwali music worldwide. With their rich rhythmic grooves, soaring vocal melodies and the bright intensity of their live performances, Fanna-Fi-Allah urges us to lift our hearts in exaltation and devotion to the Divine.Fanna-Fi-Allah embodies an authentic continuation of the ancient tradition of Sufi music. Key members of the group have spent over 20 years in dedicated study with the masters of this classical art-form in Pakistan and India and are deeply respected throughout the subcontinent.
Qawwali is a passionate devotional practice in which the fire of divine love (ishq) is ecstatically expressed through the mystical verses of Sufi poets, sung in Urdu, Farsi, Hindi and Punjabi. The origins of Qawwali music date back about a thousand years to the first sufi mystics who came to India. Qawwali has evolved into an immense art form spanning over hundreds of years of poets, languages & musical evolutions. Qawwali is associated with the ama' - a spiritual gathering of the Chishti Order whose religious context serves to bring members of the order into trance-like states, that makes them more aware of their relationship with God.
Founded 15 years ago by Tahir Qawwal and Aminah Chishti (the first woman tabla player acknowledged and revered by Pakistani qawwals), a "concert" by FFA is much more than an opportunity to sit and listen to interesting music. The seven (or 8 or 9) members ...read more