Fire & Water


Fire & Water on January 16, 2017 in Captain Cook, HI : Ceremonial Leaders:
Sal Gencarelle,
and Maria Christina Owl,
Guide: Duane Vos
Dolphins, Whales, Turtles, Green Sand Beaches and Lava...
These are just some of the guides who will be witnessing your Soul Renewal journey!
Sal and Maria have created a truly powerful, yet grounded and integrative 6-day ceremony rooted in Earth-based Indigenous Wisdom!
The Medicine Wheel will be the map on this journey of un-covering our True Nature in Harmony with Nature and Cosmos!
Locate Yourself...
On Your Current Earth Walk ~ Clear and Align your Body, Emotions and Thoughts
On the Scale of Deep Time - Clear and Align Genetic Information and Come Into Healthy Relationship with the Ancestors and Future Beings
As a Larger Soul - Clear and Align your Karmic Information and Come Fully into Present Time
As a Universal Vibration - Clear and Align Spiritual Contracts and Open to Your Multi-dimensional, Shamanic Consciousness
Our days will be filled with:
Medicine Wheel walks and botanical paradise at Paleaku Peace Gardens,
The teachings of Dolphins and Whales in the warm Hawaiian waters with our Dolphin Swim guide Jan,
A Gratitude Ceremony in the lap of Great Birthing Mother Pele at Kilauea Volcano,
Meditation with the beautiful Green Sand Beach and visits with Sea Turtle Elders
Individual Healing and Mentoring Sessions with Sal and Maria
Evening Healing Ceremonies for Clearing and Integration
Even a free day to relax and integrate!
Soul Renewal happens through re-connection. That is what you will experience on this retreat; from the cellular to the spiritual. You will depart the Island with a sense of deep Homecoming! Yet a homecoming to a vaster and more AWAKE you!
​Balance due 2 months before retreat on November 16.
Upon receiving your deposit we will contact you within 48 hours with your registration packet, including logistics and itinerary.
* Check-in: Arrive at Whalesong on more

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