GANGAJI on February 19, 2017 in Berkeley, CA : "Discovering What is Absolutely Trustworthy"
Open Circle is delighted to bring this internationally renowned teacher and author again to our
Bay Area audiences for this exclusive open program.
In this particular meeting, Gangaji will focus on the question: “In the shifting and often challenging circumstances of our lives, how do we best stay anchored in the truth of our being?” The meeting will begin with a period of silence, followed by a brief talk by Gangaji and then invitations for dialogue between Gangaji and participants.
“Where is your attention in this very moment? If you're attending to the thoughts in your mind, come home to yourself. What a blessing that your life can be the living vigil to that which is the ground of your life!” ~Gangaji
Gangaji needs little introduction to Bay Area audiences, as she was one of the first, and the best known, of the Satsang teachers to return from India in the early 1990s after a life-changing encounter with her teacher Papaji (H.W.L. Poonja). In this meeting, Gangaji's personal story of suffering ended, and the promise of a true life began to flower and unfold. Since then she has gone on to become an internationally known teacher and author, who travels the world speaking to seekers from all walks of life. She shares her direct experience of the essential message she received from Papaji, and offers it to all who want to discover true and lasting fulfillment, and the recognition of the peace and freedom inherent in the core of all beings.
Gangaji's books include The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance, Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story and Freedom & Resolve: Finding Your True Home in the Universe.
In her meetings she offers ...read more