IBIZA CLARITY BREATHWORK RETREATS on June 9, 2016 in Ibiza, : Sacred Breath & Embodiment
June 9 - 11 Level 1 Clarity Breathwork Sacred Breath & Embodiment Weekend at Open Space in Santa Gertrudis
June 11 - 18 Lev el 2 Clarity Breathwork Healing Intensive
at gorgeous private Villa near San Carlos
with Ashanna Solaris & Dana Dharma Devi
Clarity Breathwork is a gentle, compassionate Feminine approach to breathing & healing that has been shifting lives around the planet! Every breath we take is sacred and has the power to open us to the Infinite. When we breathe fully and consciously we heal our hearts, minds, bodies, and remember who we are.
These workshops offer a tremendous opportunity for empowerment through daily Clarity Breathwork™ sessions, inquiry processes, kirtan & sacred music, meditation, dance & creative movement, time in nature & incredible feminine vortex of Ibiza, Spain!
The retreats are designed for both those wanting to deepen their personal healing and awakening process and those wanting to become Professional Clarity Breathwork™ Practitioners. Level 3 & 4: The Pracititoner's Intensive complete the training component to become a Clarity Breathworker.
Join us for the Weekend for a deep dive into Breath or stay for the whole 9 days and take a Quantum Leap!
Level 1: Sacred Breath & Embodiment: Experience the awesome power of your breath to liberate your true potential. Using Dance, Movement, Sacred Music and mantra, meditation and Breathwork we will unravel core limiting beliefs, emotional patterns and blocks in the body from birth, childhood and beyond. Learn the basics of pre- and perinatal psychology. The breath supports the experience of deep presence allowing tremendous shifts in consciousness to occur.
Level 2: Clarity Breathwork™ Intensive: Truly life changing! This seven day program accelerates your transformation through exploring the art and science of Clarity Breathwork™, deepening your intuition, water sessions, ...read more