Journey Within on October 26, 2016 in , NJ : Journey Within
Our guides are Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
October 26 at 7:30 PM every Wednesday
Through meditation, dreams and in other ways, you gain insight and clarity into aspects of your life and yourself. The Journey Within is the next step to take what you have seen into active engagement.
The basic elements of all Life are Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
These are our guides in our Journey Within.
Our guide in this week's Journey Within is Earth. Pachamama, Mother Earth, through a journey of music, helps us to see how rooted we are, how strong our foundation is. Through the magical movement that music brings, the ancient wisdom within is awakened.
As you journey, you are actively participating with the knowledge perceived in meditation, dreams, flashes of insight, that gut sense that gives you direction. As you journey, you see not only what has been in your way; you see what you already have to make those visions physically manifest.
With guidance as you journey, you find the path to go where you have always known is meant for you.
For those of you who have mesas, please bring your mesa with you. For those of you who do not have mesas, you can bring something of The Sacred with you.
Wednesday, 7:30 PM to 8:30/9:00 PM
Highland Park, NJ. For directions, please call Reyna at 732-397-7777.
While there is no set fee for the group, donations are gratefully accepted.
If you have questions about this group,
please give me a call at 732-533-7276 or send an e-mail to apusalkantay@aol.com.
Pass this onto others whom you feel would be interested in our events.
Fran Russo is a shaman/curandera working in the tradition of the Peruvian shamans. She is a Weaver ...read more