Melting the Shame Freeze

MeltingShameFreeze_April 2016-page-001

Melting the Shame Freeze on April 2, 2016 in Berkeley, CA : Melting the Shame Freeze – Using Somatic Techniques to Create Safety and Build Attunement
A workshop for therapists and other helping professionals
wi th Sheila Rubin, LMFT, RDT/BCT and Bret Lyon, PhD, SEP, BCC
Saturday, April 2, 2016, 10:00am - 6:00pm & Sunday, April 3, 2016, 10:30am - 5:30pm
In Berkeley, just off I-80
$295 ($275 with payment by February 26)
Discount for interns.
13 CEUs for MFTs & LCSWs (PCE #4456)
Shame is an embodied belief that “Something is wrong with me.” Because shame exists in the body as well as in the mind, it is helpful for therapists to work with shame somatically. In this workshop, we will explore how to utilize somatic techniques to connect more quickly with the client and forge a strong therapeutic alliance.
We will:
• Focus on using breathing and grounding to resource the client, becoming more aware of our own breathing and expanding it in the process.
• Learn ways to help clients repair the disconnect between self and others—and between parts of the self—that have been created by shaming, inappropriate behavior or abuse.
• Explore how to keep our clients more present in the room with us and counter over- verbalization, dissociation and freezing.
• Learn techniques and theory from Wilhelm Reich (the father of somatics), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing), Ron Kurtz (Hakomi) and Eugene Gendlin (Focusing).
To register:
Please send full payment or a $100 deposit (with your email and phone number) to:
Bret Lyon
830 Bancroft Way, Suite 102, Berkeley, CA 94710
For more information, email Bret Lyon at, call 510-420-1441, or visit
Space is limited. We accept PayPal.
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Using Somatic Techniques to Create Safety and AttunementWHEN:Saturday April 2nd - Sunday April 3rd WHERE:Rudramandir Building
830 Bancroft Way, Suite 102
Berkeley, CA 94710COST:$295 ($275 more

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