Moving with Feeling on July 8, 2016 in Sebastopol, CA : When given time, space, permission to express in everyday doses, feelings naturally flow through and become a resource for aliveness, authenticity, po wer, and love. Moving with feeling is one way toward reclaiming our wildness, self-care, and relational sanity.
To learn more and to register: http://zuzaengler.com/workshop/movingwithfeeling/index.php
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A Weekend of Somatic Inquiry with Zuza and Scott EnglerWHEN:Friday July 8th - Sunday July 10th WHERE:A private studio in Sebastopol, CA
Sebastopol, CA 95472COST:$260 if paid by July 1 / $310 afterFacebookBuy Tickets NowEvent Website
When given time, space, permission to express in everyday doses, feelings naturally flow through and become a resource for aliveness, authenticity, power, and love. Moving with feeling is one way toward reclaiming our wildness, self-care, and relational sanity.
To learn more and to register: http://zuzaengler.com/workshop/movingwithfeeling/index.php
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