Mt Shasta~Ancient Wisdom Teachings on July 29, 2016 in Mt Shasta, CA : Dear Promise Family,
This is Solar Activation experience on Mt Shasta is motivated by my sincere desire to share the wonderful teachings of the Great White Brotherhood and the Cosmic guides. Most of my life has been filled with a deep spiritual calling. During last summer of 2015 I was blessed to bring two groups to Bolivia to meet Luis Maertens for a Solar Initiation on The Island of the Sun on Lake Titcaca .
Our experiences were so profound and Luis's information is so important for light workers that I am now dedicated to see that Luis is introduced to the english speaking lightworkers the world over.
His journeys to the Ganymede an artificial moon orbiting Jupiter as well as his contacts with The Great White Brotherhood which continue to this day are a pure and sacred revelation for those who thirst for truth.
He spent 3 days inside the Illampu Mountain retreat Of the Great White Brother hood in the Temple of purity. The teachings from the masters are deep moving and profound. His journey beneath the waters of Lake Titicaca and his meeting with the Masters Soriam and Soromez in the presence of the Golden Disk of the Sun are also inspiring to all who seek the light.
This summer we have a very unique experience with Luis Maertens and myself in Mount Shasta. We will be sharing more in-depth spiritual information in regards to the transformation of planet earth. We will be sharing very specific techniques , meditations and mantras designed on transforming our consciousness and to working directly with the cosmic guides of the confederation and the spiritual masters.
Your well focused intent and heartfelt desire to engage with our space family is welcomed to ...read more