Obtainium Cup Rally & Art Car Jam on July 16, 2016 in Vallejo, CA : Contact: Kathy O'Hare FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Cell: 925-254-7643
5th Annual Obtainium Cup and ArtCar Jam
Contraption Rall y, ArtCar Festival,
and Steampunk Art Festival
Saturday, July 16, 2016 and Sunday, July 17, 2016
Free to Public
Come to historic Mare Island for two special days featuring art cars, pedal powered vehicles, and steampunk art. ArtCar Jam will be held on Saturday, July 16, 2016 from 11am-7pm and is devoted to street-legal vehicles. Learn how to decorate your own art car from the experts who will be demonstrating on a number of types of cars, trucks and trailers.
ArtCar Jam is sponsored by the Vallejo ArtCar Coalition and will be doing hands-on demonstrations of applying paint, glued items, and metal fabrication to transform daily drivers into mobile works of art. A Fun with Fashion show led by Annie Coulter will follow the workshops and will culminate with High Tea by IntegriTea of Vallejo.
Celebrating its 5th year, the Obtainium Cup Contraptor's Rally is a hand-built sculptural vehicle rally and festival on Mare Island in Vallejo, California on Sunday, July 17, 2016 from 11am-7pm. Inspired by the Kinetic Grand Championship in Arcata, CA the Obtainium Cup and will highlight the abandoned splendor of the historic Naval Shipyard.
The racers will assemble at Alden Park and at 3pm will drive along the waterfront where they will need to pass 4 silly challenges –Flying Monkeys, Robots, Zombies, and the Mad Hatters –all designed to stymie and frustrate the competitors and entertain spectators! The course is approximately 5 miles in length with a couple of 2-4% grade sections.
This family-friendly event will include vehicles that are driven without the use of a motor and can be an art piece or a bicycle that has been altered in some fashion. Spectators ...read more