onedancetribe hawaii on January 19, 2017 in Keanae, HI : 6th annual international conscious movement gathering featuring Azul founder Amara Pagano, SoulMotion founder Vinn Arjuna Marti', Dancing Freedom founder Samantha Sweetwater, Wave Continuum founder Eva Geueke, 5Rhythms teacher Jo Cobbett, Open Floor teacher Jenny Macke, Hula teacher Amy Chang, Hawaiian spiritual teacher Lei'Ohu Ryder, medicine woman Mary Lane and consciousness teacher Christine Warren. Morning meditation and yoga with Deborah Dove. State of the art healing services provided by international healing team.
Experience one week of conscious dance and a unified field of love on the best island of the planet! OneDanceTribe is a truly life changing event!Edit This Event
International conscious movement gatheringWHEN:Thursday January 19th - Wednesday January 25th WHERE:YMCA Camp Keanae
13,375 Hana Hwy
Keanae, HI 96708COST:$1495 including food and accommodationFacebookYouTubeBuy Tickets NowEvent Website
6th annual international conscious movement gathering featuring Azul founder Amara Pagano, SoulMotion founder Vinn Arjuna Marti', Dancing Freedom founder Samantha Sweetwater, Wave Continuum founder Eva Geueke, 5Rhythms teacher Jo Cobbett, Open Floor teacher Jenny Macke, Hula teacher Amy Chang, Hawaiian spiritual teacher Lei'Ohu Ryder, medicine woman Mary Lane and consciousness teacher Christine Warren. Morning meditation and yoga with Deborah Dove. State of the art healing services provided by international healing team.
Experience one week of conscious dance and a unified field of love on the best island of the planet! OneDanceTribe is a truly life changing event!
[youtube_sc url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0GAdGlpl_0 width=640] Edit This Eventonedancetribe hawaii on January 19, 2017 in Keanae, HI : 6th annual international conscious movement gathering featuring Azul founder Amara Pagano, SoulMotion founder Vinn Arjuna Marti', Dancing Freedom founder Samantha Sweetwater, Wave Continuum founder Eva Geueke, 5Rhythms teacher Jo Cobbett, Open Floor teacher Jenny Macke, Hula teacher Amy Chang, Hawaiian ...read more