Orange County Sound Ceremony on August 6, 2016 in Irvine, CA : The Pluto Gong - Transforming the Hidden and Oppositional with Sound and Ceremony.
We will be working with the waxing moon, in opposition to Pluto, wh ich if you look it up is a powerful time for taking a deep look into really hidden areas to completely remove the oppositional to our lives and source, replacing it with source connection. The 36" large Pluto gong, which we own is specially designed for that purpose, so it should be a transformational and powerful time for all. Crystal & Tibetan Bowls and more will be used. We will be having a full Sound Bath, purification / ceremony at this event. Meetup will be held at the School of Multidimensional Healing Arts and Sciences.
a Special Moon that is in opposition to Pluto creates incredible space for healing hidden impediments. We have a Pluto Gong, desined to lift these impediments. Along with shamanic purification and sound ceremony, this should be a deeply transformational workshop.
This is a time when that which is hidden has a tendency to surface. The Moon-Pluto time brings up brings to the forefront the need to moderate outbursts of negative feeling and uncover the deeply hidden, otherwise like the Scorpion that corresponds to Pluto at his most unevolved, he will even sting himself to death when attacking his enemy. The only possible and lasting solution is true transformation. This creates a necessity to develop self-awareness, so that the snake might be realized from the scorpion, the eagle from the snake, and ultimately, the indestructible phoenix from the eagle. It is only with evolvement therefore that the richness and profundity of emotional experience and feeling promised by this configuration can be realized and its damaging excesses left behind.
As ever with ...read more