Pujas for Peace: Be the Light on December 31, 2016 in , CA : Be the Light. Join the 26-hour Global Sacred Fire Ceremony (Puja) for World Peace this New Year's Eve, 12.31.16. On the day and night of New Year's Eve we are gathering people from around the globe to bring the power of their intention together with the light of many fires or flames to send the vibrational call for Peace around the globe.
Millions of lights will be burning for peace as every time zone enters the New Year, sending a wave of healing energy circling the globe. Join for 10 minutes, 1-hour, or anytime on News Year Eve.
Our request is simple.
Gather by a sacred fire or candle on New Year's Eve and join in this prayer for peace:
“Let there be peace on earth and love for one another.”
Join with your community - meditation circle, friends and family, or church group. Join in any way around a candle or sacred fire that connects with your spiritual tradition, and energetically connect in love and hope with many others who care about peace. The world needs the unity of our Lights and love now more than ever.
There are 5 simple ways to participate.
Let us know you're joining this global movement and tell us how we can count your light!
Go to: www.pujasforpeace.org
Let's be the catalyst for the sacred and leave the world a better place for future generations.Edit This Event
Global Sacred Fire Ceremony (Puja) for World Peace 12.31.16WHEN:Saturday December 31st - Sunday January 1st WHERE:Join from wherever you are in the world!
, CACOST:FacebookVimeoEvent Website
Be the Light. Join the 26-hour Global Sacred Fire Ceremony (Puja) for World Peace this New Year's ...read more