Remembering the Light Within on February 21, 2017 in Santa Monica, CA : Join authors Ron Hulnick, Ph.D. & Mary Hulnick, Ph.D. as they discuss and sign their new book: Remembering the Light Within: A Course in Soul-Centering Living. This event is FREE Event and open to the public (event will also be streaming live online for those who can not attend in person). RSVP is necessary to attend in person or via the internet http://www.universityofsantamonica.edu/event/remembering-the-light-within
About the Book:
What if you discovered—not as a concept, but rather as a profound inner knowing born from the crucible of your own experience—that the Essence of your very nature is, has always been, and always will be the Presence of Love? That Awareness would change everything. Your consciousness would be transformed, and you would move forward into a Soul-Centered life—your unique and beautiful life of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.
The book you hold in your hands, is a vehicle for fostering just such an epiphany through the use of the empowering tools of Spiritual Psychology in your everyday life. As Co-Directors of the University of Santa Monica, the Worldwide Center for the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick have had many years of experience in applying these Principles and Practices in their own lives as well as supporting thousands of students in doing the same. Their intention is nothing less than providing you with inspiration, practical tools, encouragement, and opportunities for learning how to live into the Spiritual Context—the Awareness that you are a Soul and that your life serves spiritual purpose.
As you read and engage with this book, you'll learn practical ways for Waking Up more fully into the Awareness of the Loving Being that you are. You will be remembering the Light ...read more