
Sound Bath by "FRAGRANCE OF SOUND" on July 23, 2016 in Marysville, CA : Relax and Rejuvenate in the Healing Sounds of the Gong, Crystal & Tibetan Bowls, Voice and more. In the hands of a knowledgeable practitioner, and in the presence of consciousness, therapeutic sound ushers you into the subconscious & parasympathetic nervous system where healing takes place. Mari has over 25 years of experience in therapeutic sound, spiritual consciousness practices, and energetic medicine, and combines this knowledge to aid, guide, and assist participants in their journey towards healing and expanded awareness.
July 23 - 7 to 9 pm
Love Offering:
20.00 at the door - Please RSVP if you can, thanks.
cash preferred
Yoga Mat / Blanket / Pillow or anything you need for comfort. We have chairs and a beautiful wooden floor. Many elect to lie on the wood floor.
Hosted by
Mari Fix from the "FRAGRANCE OF SOUND" ®
& Laughing Lotus Events Center
Laughing Lotus Events Center
103 C St, Marysville, CA 95901
(530) 300-6357
*****Close to E Street / Highway 70 and First Street*****
About the Sound Bath
The term Sound Bath was first coined a few years back by musicians or possibly sound healers who took instruments and immersed the audience in this sound for relaxation and stress relief.
It was found that specific instruments coupled with energetic medicine knowledge created conducive vibrations to provide ease of tension and deep relaxation. Deep relaxation is a per-cursor to health and healing and allows the individual to release patterns of tension, trauma and stress that create illness.
Science has long known about brainwaves—patterns of electrical activity generated by the billions of neural cells in the human brain. Different levels of consciousness generate brainwaves at specific frequencies. More recent discoveries have shown that when people listen to sound vibrations and rhythmic sounds matched to a particular frequency, their brainwaves begin more

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