Sound Healing Intensive Workshop

Sound Healing Intensive Workshop on June 18, 2016 in West Hollywood, CA : SOUND MEDICINE,
The Los Angeles Weekend Intensive
Sound Healing Workshop
Physical & emotional pain release
The 9 Core Keys to Sound Healing
Vibrational cleansing techniques
Transformative Chakra Toning meditation
Conscious Breathing and Sacred Sounding
18 Vocal Overtoning exercises
Sonic meditation and spiritual development
And much more!
"Wayne is a catalyst, a master of energy, and an opener of potentials. Somehow his use of sound and tone, and his focus on personal empowerment woke me up to a truer reality of who I was. I made one of the most powerful shifts in my life... Thank you Wayne. You are a true teacher of the freedom of the tone, and a master of moving energy and opening up human potential.
I had not realized how stuck I had become, or how free I could be until I encountered this force called Wayne Perry. He is a force who will free you from your limitation of who you thought you were, and wake you up to a new reality. Take his workshop. I guarantee that you won't regret it!”
— Helena Reilly, MA, Founder of Sound Energetics, New York City, Sound Therapist, Author
$395 Full Weekend Registration
$100-- DISCOUNT (If paid in full by April 21) Only $295!
Call: 323-656-6337 for registration and more info.
Saturday & Sunday - June 18 & 19
10am-7pm (Both days)
1234 N. Hayworth Ave., Suite 106,
West Hollywood, CA 90046
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With sound healer Wayne Perry, author of SOUND MEDICINE!WHEN:Saturday June 18th - Sunday June 19th WHERE:The Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles
1234 N. Hayworth Ave., Suite 106
West Hollywood, CA 90046COST:Only $295 if paid by May 19 ($395 after)FacebookYouTube

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