The Awake and Empowered Expo on March 18, 2016 in Detroit, MI : The mission of the Awake and Empowered Expo is to offer attendees the opportunity to enrich and enlighten their lives in all areas of human consciousn ess, health and wellbeing. Our event is the culmination of groundbreaking information in technology, health, spirituality and science presented by pioneers and experts from around the world. Attendees will be motivated to reach their highest potential self by exploring alternative perspectives that will enrich their life journey. The goal of our guest speakers and panels is to share their views and provide real world tools that will inspire positive change, while encouraging attendee interaction and exchange of ideas with one another. The expo also offers the opportunity to investigate a unique group of exhibitors and sponsors who are advancing health and longevity with innovative products and services.
As we are each a participant in the co-creation of a new world, every person who awakens will cause a ripple effect across the consciousness of the planet that will unavoidably awaken and inspire others. The Awake and Empowered Expo ultimately aims to raise global consciousness, as we come together to empower ourselves and each other to live at our collective highest potential.
Some of our presenters include:
* Ethann Fox: | Raise Your Consciousness And Remove Karma and Negative Emotions - Energy Transfer and Discourse
* Micheila Sheldan | Channeling Universal Truths - Living With Higher Guidance
...and many more exciting presenters, events, activities, and exhibitors. You can learn more about this phenomenal event as well as purchase tickets by going to www.awakeandempoweredexpo.com.
Be sure to join our Facebook Group for specials and Free Giveaways.
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WHEN:Friday March 18th - Sunday March 20th WHERE:The Westin Book Cadillac
1114 Washington Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48226COST:Free ...read more