The Sedona Beltane Festival on April 30, 2016 in Sedona, AZ : Come and celebrate Beltane, an ancient festival of fire that bids farewell to the past, thus making way for a better future. Join us as we weave Divin e intention for ourselves, our relations, and our community, while we dance around the May-Pole and frolic in the grass to the rhythmic spirit of the drums. Beltane includes a blending of the masculine and feminine, and an honoring of the magic of life, love, and connection. We will honor and bless this season with a sacred outdoor fire ceremony, as well as doing ceremonies for the elements and landscape. Come celebrate in community, the magic of life, love, and living in a spirit of connection. Feel free to dress in costume and/or for celebration and movement. Also, feel free to bring fresh food, snacks, and refreshments to share.
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Free Event with Music, Costumes, Maypole Weaving, and FUNWHEN:Saturday April 30th 5:30 PM - 8:00 PMWHERE:Unity of Sedona
65 Deer Trail Drive
Sedona, AZ 86336COST:Free!FacebookEvent Website
Come and celebrate Beltane, an ancient festival of fire that bids farewell to the past, thus making way for a better future. Join us as we weave Divine intention for ourselves, our relations, and our community, while we dance around the May-Pole and frolic in the grass to the rhythmic spirit of the drums. Beltane includes a blending of the masculine and feminine, and an honoring of the magic of life, love, and connection. We will honor and bless this season with a sacred outdoor fire ceremony, as well as doing ceremonies for the elements and landscape. Come celebrate in community, the magic of life, love, and living in a spirit of connection. Feel free ...read more