The Shaman's Heart on March 15, 2017 in Marlinton, WV : The Shaman's Heart
The Path of Authentic Power, Purpose & Presence
Facilitated by
Byron Metcalf, PhD & Karen Malik, MA
The Shaman's Heart is a revolutionary program for developing one's full capacity for soul-based and heart-centered living. Developed by Byron Metcalf, Ph.D., The Shaman's Heart Program is the result of 30 years of research, clinical application, spiritual and transpersonal development, and shamanic/holistic healing and transformation. The program is a unique and practical integration of shamanic practice, transpersonal psychology, ancient wisdom teachings, and various contemporary methods of spiritual growth, development and personal transformation. This highly experiential 4-day retreat is specifically oriented toward creating the capacity to navigate these challenging times and complex world in a soul-based and heart-centered manner.
Using a combination of music and sound, brainwave entrainment technologies, meditation, personal intention, ritual, journey work, and integrative processing, Byron will be joined by Karen Malik, MA, former senior Monroe Institute facilitator to create a powerful and safe environment for you to explore The Shaman's Heart Program. Potential benefits include:
* Heart-Centered self-empowerment - authentic trust and confidence in one's capacity to navigate life's challenges
* Freedom from fear, worry and anxiety
* Improved immune system and a reduction of stress related and psychosomatic illnesses
* Increased ability to relax deeply and let go
* Enhanced capacity for intimacy and openness in relationships
* Increased presence, creativity, mental clarity, focus and attention
* Freedom from an excessive need for external approval, respect and recognition
* A sense of basic trust in one's self-healing capacities
* An expanded experience of one's true self and true nature
In addition to expanded and advanced Shaman's Heart Program exercises and activities, you will experience meditations that are specifically designed to assist and support the full development of the fundamental capacities, potentials and essential qualities of the ...read more