Theatre of Dreams Workshop

Theatre of Dreams Workshop on February 3, 2017 in Emeryville, CA : Theatre of Dreams A Weekend Workshop
Exploring Dreams Through Drama Therapy & Embodied Imagination
“Dreams show us how to find meaning in our lives, how to fulfill our own destiny, how to realize the greater potential of life within us.”
Marie Louise von Franz
Friday February 3, 2017: 6 pm - 9 pm
Saturday February 4, 2017: 10 am - 5 pm
Fee: $150
Facilitated by:
Maude Davis, Diploma Candidate, C.G. Jung Institute Zurich
Andriette Pieron, MA Candidate Drama Therapy, CIIS, San Francisco
Living Arts Counseling Center
1265 65th Street
Emeryville, CA
In this interactive therapy workshop participants will use acting, improvisation, psychodrama and expressive arts therapy to enter the remarkable world of dreams through a Jungian lens. In the Theatre of Dreams, the meaning of dream symbols are felt and understood by the psyche through embodied imagination. Together we will cultivate an understanding of our unique soul's journey. The process has the potential to ignite profound personal insight and transformation.
This workshop is for people who:
Want to engage their dreams
Experience déjà vu dreams
Have recurring dreams or dream themes
Are tired of just talking about their dreams and want to explore them through action methods
To Register:
Short interview required before workshop
Call Maude: (510) 595-5500 x 25 or
Call Andriette (510) 595-5500 x 26
Email: or
Maude Davis Ph.D. (c) is a diploma candidate at the Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland who specializes in using aesthetic and sensorial processes to work with dreams. She uses the tools of depth psychology, drama therapy and expressive arts therapy to help clients heal trauma, access emotions and discover meaning and creativity in their lives. A Jungian Analyst in training at The Living Arts Counseling Center. Supervised by Armand Volkas, MFT, RDT/BCT (MFC# 28789)
Andriette Pieron is a Marriage & Family more

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