Time, Breath, and Cognition on June 24, 2016 in Berkeley, CA : Free Introductory Presentation: Thursday, June 16, 7-9 pm
The Tantrāloka: The “Light on the Tantras” was written by Abhinavagupta in the 11th century and is considered to be the seminal exposition in Tantric Shaivism. Abhinavagupta described it as a manual for liberation.
The intent of this new program is to contribute to the revival of the teachings of the Tantrāloka in their deepest essence and explore the heart of its timeless written and oral wisdom. Students will learn long-forgotten, powerful meditation techniques, participate in pujas (rituals), and experience a unique program structured as regular immersions complemented by online sessions and lessons.
Time, Breath, and Cognition is the first in a series of Tantric Sādhana intensives based on original translations of the Tantrāloka to be presented by Boris Marjanovic, Ph.D, and Swami Khecaranatha..
Boris Marjanovic, Ph.D., has spent the last twenty-five years studying and teaching Indian philosophy and Sanskrit. His work is not only rooted in scholarly studies but also in attaining refined experiential knowledge through the practice of various meditative techniques. He has resided in Varanasi for over 12 years.
Swami Khecaranatha is an authentic adept of Trika Shaivism in the śaktipāta lineage of Nityananda & Rudrananda. With a mastery etched from more than forty years of inner practice and selfless service, he is a highly regarded teacher of Tantric sādhana.
To enroll or download the full 2-page flyer, go to: https://trikashala.com/calendar/2-kundalini-sadhana-pathway-to-liberation-1 Flyer has more details, including topics and daily schedule.
Retreat fee: $295, $250 if paid by May 24 (includes lunch & dinner on Sat and lunch on Sun)
Please phone 510-529-4173 if you have any further questions.
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Tantraloka Intensive, Boris Marjanovic & Swami KhecaranathaWHEN:Friday June 24th - Sunday June 26th WHERE:TrikaShala
830 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, ...read more