True World History WEBINAR on May 7, 2016 in , CA : TRUE WORLD HISTORY CONFERENCE
We have been taught that our species evolved from a primitive state to what we are now… that we have never been as techn ologically, physically and emotionally more advanced as this moment in our evolution. Main stream scientists have painted a picture over generations of how we evolved from an ape like man into hunter gathers and then with the introduction of agriculture we began our advancement into the modern age.
What if this wasn't the entire picture? What if history has been written and rewritten by the victors on over and over. The truth of our ancient past is more cosmic and mysterious than most may realize. For centuries this information has been disclosed within ancient scriptures, without any physical evidence entering the mainstream. However... we are now discovering on an unprecedented level more information and evidence of who we are as a species and why we exist on this planet. Once our true world history comes out to the masses the entire fabric of our society will shift. It is time to make this shift and uncover the truth of humanity so we may rewrite the timeline and unveil evidence of our connection to the stars.
• An exploration of the Earth's ancient origins and the mass cover up
• Ancient Atlantis and Lemuria
• What can we learn from our distant pass
• Who and what were the advanced civilizations that walked this planet?
• Ancient technology that surpasses what we have today
• Quantum physics and the metaphysical connection
• Esoteric Wisdom of the Ancients
• The procession of the zodiac
• The true date of ancient Egypt and the forgetton mystery schools
• Matriarchal ancient civilizations and their role ...read more