Why There Are Words: Fever

Why There Are Words: Fever on October 13, 2016 in Sausalito, CA : For Immediate Release
Contact: whytherearewords@gmail.com
Why There Are Words Presents “Fever,” a Night of Readings
Join us October 13, 2016, at Studi o 333 in Sausalito to hear the following acclaimed authors read from their works on the theme of “Fever.” Doors open at 7pm; readings begin at 7:15. $10.00 (cash or check). For more details, including the authors' full bios, see the Why There Are Words website, whytherearewords.com.
Jia Oak Baker is the author of the chapbooks Crash Landing in the Plaza of an Unknown City (Dancing Girl Press, 2015) and Well Enough to Travel (Five Oaks Press, 2015).
Gina Frangello's latest book is the novel Every Kind of Wanting (Counterpoint, 2106). ginafrangello.com
Vanessa Hua is the author of the debut book of stories, Deceit and Other Possibilities (Willow Books, 2016). vanessahua.com
Scott Hutchins is the author of the novel A Working Theory of Love (Penguin Putnam, 2012). scotthutchens.com
Hal King has been presenting his fantasy and science fiction tales at local readings, while working on a collection of short stories.
Anne Raeff's latest book is The Jungle Around Us (University of Georgia Press, October, 2016), winner of the 2015 Flannery O'Connor Prize in Short Fiction. anneraeff.com
Debra Spark is the author of five books of fiction, including her latest Unknown Caller (LSU Press, 2016). debraspark.com
Why There Are Words is an award-winning literary reading series curated by founder Peg Alford Pursell, www.pegalfordpursell.com (and now an independent publishing press, www.wtawpress.org). Now in its six year of presenting quality author readings, the series draws a full house of Bay Area residents every second Thursday to Studio 333, located at 333 Caledonia Street, Sausalito, CA 94965. More information: whytherearewords.com. Phone Studio 333 at 415-331-8272 or Peg Alford Pursell at 707-595-1899.
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