Why There Are Words: Lucky Seven on January 12, 2017 in Sausalito, CA : IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Media Contacts:
Peg Alford Pursell / wtawpress@gmail.com or 707-595-1899
Why There Are Words Celebrates its Seventh Anniversary January 12, 2017
Join the renowned reading series Why There Are Words in January 12, 2017, at Studio 333 in Sausalito to celebrate its seventh anniversary. “Lucky Seven & One to Grow On Eight” will feature the following eight acclaimed authors who've appeared at WTAW over the past seven years.
Additionally, WTAW Press will announce its selection of the first two titles it will publish in 2017. As well, the launch of WTAW's national neighborhood of readings in New York City, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, Portland and Austin, set to begin in February, will also be celebrated.
Doors open at 7pm; readings begin at 7:15. $10.00 (cash or check). For more details, including the authors' full bios, see the Why There Are Words website, whytherearewords.com.
Tamim Ansary's latest book is the memoir Road Trips, Becoming an American in the vapor trail of The Sixties (Kajakai Press, 2016). A well-published author, he was the beloved leader of the San Francisco Writer's Workshop for over two decades. mirtamimansary.com
Rebecca Foust's latest book, Paradise Drive, won the Press 53 Poetry Award and is nominated for the 2016 Poets' Prize. rebeccafoust.com
Joan Frank is the author of six books of fiction and a collection of essays. Her new novel, All the News I Need, won the 2016 Juniper Prize for Fiction, (University of Massachusetts Press, February 2017). joanfrank.org
Kate Milliken's debut collection of stories If I'd Known You Were Coming won the John Simmons Award for Short Fiction (University of Iowa Press, 2013). katemilliken.com
Evan and Miles Karp are Turk & Divis, an intersection where chance, rhythm, and processed repetition collide with modified fragments of language to form ...read more